0854 电子信息硕士


来源: 发布时间 : 2020-04-23 点击量:












   丘心颖,博士,广东外语外贸大学信息科学与技术学院教授。分别于1999年和2007年在美国爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)获得管理信息系统硕士和博士学位,曾任美国芝加哥One Inc. 公司软件工程师,以及美国Christopher Newport University助理教授,主要研究方向为文本挖掘、计算语言学、信息检索。长期从事基于自然语言处理的信息披露文本挖掘研究、文本可读性研究、和非通用语言处理研究。主持国家社科项目“会计信息披露的文本可读性测度及应用研究”,教育部项目“上市公司会计信息披露质量特征研究”。 在研课题方向包括:表示模型、多词表达识别、非通用语种语料库构建、双语词典自动构建等。研究成果发表在“Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology”,“European Journal of Operational Research”,“经济学季刊”等国内外高水平学术期刊和会议。



[1] Qiu X., Lu D., Shen Y., Cai Y. (2019) Linguistic Feature Representation with Statistical Relational Learning for Readability Assessment. In: Tang J., Kan MY., Zhao D., Li S., Zan H. (eds) Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. NLPCC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11839. Springer, Cham pp 360-369


[2] Lu D., Qiu X., Cai Y. (2020) Sentence-Level Readability Assessment for L2 Chinese Learning. In: Hong JF., Zhang Y., Liu P. (eds) Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11831. Springer, Cham,pp. 381–392, 2020.


[3] Qiu X., Deng K., Qiu L., Wang X. Exploring the Impact of Linguistic Features for Chinese Readability Assessment, In: X. Huang et al. (Eds.): Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 10619, pp. 771–783, 2018.


[4] Qiu X. and Zhu G. “Learning Indonesian-Chinese Lexicon with Bilingual Word Embedding Models and Monolingual Signals”. Proceedings of COLING 2016 Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing. Dec. 11-16, Osaka, Japan, pages 188-193


[5] 丘心颖,郑小翠,邓可斌. “分析师能有效发挥专业解读信息的作用吗?--基于汉字年报复杂性指标的研究”. 经济学(季刊),Vol. 15, No. 4, July, 2016,1483-1506.

[6] Qiu X Y, Srinivasan P, Hu Y. Supervised learning models to predict firm performance with annual reports: an empirical study[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014, 65(2): 400-413.  


[7] Qiu X Y, Jiang S, Deng K. Automatic Assessment of Information Disclosure Quality in Chinese Annual Reports [M]  Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 288-298.  


[8] Balakrishnan R, Qiu X Y, Srinivasan P. On the predictive ability of narrative disclosures in annual reports[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 202(3): 789-801.     



Email: xy.qiu@foxmail.com





